Yoga and Motherhood | How Yoga has Impacted the Mother + Child Relationship

Though I am not a mother myself, I am amazed at the supportive relationship between Yoga and Motherhood exemplified by these women. Even more, their personal stories of how yoga can be for Mother and child relationship building. These women are loving and strong, they are real, and they are inspiring. Enjoy this 2021 update of yoga’s benefits that is even more applicable today.

5 Benefits for Mother and Child Relationships from Yoga

The stories below are compelling, but here are a few of the benefits of yoga for the mother and child relationship drawn from their personal stories.

  • Exemplifying and Sharing in Self-Care
  • Patience and Availability to Connect on a Deeper Level
  • Letting Go of Control
  • There is No Perfect, and That’s Ok
  • Gratitude

If you would like to share your own story on yoga and motherhood, feel free to leave a comment! These are the stories that connect us in community and help us grow as well as stay encouraged.

Exemplifying and Sharing in Self-Care

Yoga can be a great way for a mother to exemplify taking some alone-time for your own health and wellness. Life becomes more hectic with increasing demands, full calendars, and moms on call every minute. What better way to share the importance of self care than with home yoga practice or an hour of any class style.  

“Yoga helps me set a good example for my 5-year-old daughter, Lily. Kids emulate what they see. When I practice yoga at home, before long she will be on her mat right next to me. When I practice at a studio, she always asks me what I did in class that day. Sharing yoga with her is a way to teach her about the importance of taking time to care for her body. Planting these seeds of self-care in her will create habits to keep her healthier and happier her entire life.”

Mary Dunklin

Patience and Availability to Connect on a Deeper Level

Who doesn’t need more patience, and activities to facilitate being in a better mood. How are mom’s as patient as they are, while often dealing with the most stressful situations. There is no doubt that our demeanor impacts the relationship with a child, how we interact, and our availability to connect on a deeper level. Learn what Adri experienced through her practice.

“Yoga helped me in many ways that I did not expect. Of course, I saw and felt the common benefits we are all aware. However of but I also saw how it helped me become a better mom. I was more patient, in a better mood, and able to connect with my baby better. I started to include yoga poses as fun things to do with my son. It became a special game with did together. I was able to also introduce him to certain topics I have learned or read. He may not have understood some of the concepts right away, but I felt I was planting the seeds that some day would bloom… As the years have gone by we are able to have deeper conversations and teachable moments that have helped me see my boy grow into a remarkable young man. Last summer he asked me to do a yoga pose with him everyday. Sometimes he sits next to me to meditate and a few times he has done it on his own. I feel like yoga has helped me connect with my son throughout the years on a deeper level and it is something special that brings us closer together.”

Adri Kyser

Letting Go of Control

If anyone COULD control it all, it would be a mom. But trying would be exhausting, and unhealthy, because so many situations are out of our control. Yoga has helped Mary and Leila learn how important letting go of control and patience are to dealing with those tough situations lovingly with a child.

“Yoga has taught me to go with the flow and let go of control. That lesson translates into motherhood for me EVERY SINGLE DAY. Trying to plan each stage of your yoga practice is similar to preparing for a 2 year old’s tantrum in Walmart over a bent sucker stick.”

Mary Wilkinson

“Patience, but not in the way you’d expect. Mostly, patience with myself. To breathe and let it pass when it’s not worth the fight, to know when to support – but not interfere – when my children make mistakes, with myself when I feel like I can’t possibly live up the image of the ideal mother that lives in my head sometimes, to allow my boys to be who they are even when it gets me very outside my comfort zone. And an ability to appreciate, rather than dismiss, that inner voice that says every now and then, “You are, in fact, doing it right.” [Leila Cranford]

Leila Cranford

There Is No Perfect, And That’s Ok

The quest for perfection can be toxic and tear at relationships. Eventually, one falls short of such an unattainable standard. A recent study by two UK researchers Curran and Hill, indicated that the proportion of people who exhibited traits of perfectionism in the last 20 years has increased 33%. And, additional studies noted by Medical News Today, note the effects of perfectionism, particularly among young adults and teens, related to increased depression, high blood pressure, and anxiety. Learn how DeAnna has used yoga to manage the “perfect” and lovingly grow confident, imperfection within her children.

“If I had to pick one way that Yoga has helped me be a better mother it would be that there is no “perfect”.  No perfect way to parent. No perfect child. No perfect parent.  But that we (me, my husband, and my boys) are all doing the best we can.  It can be very hard and messy and it can be filled with disappointment but it is also beautiful, filled with laughter and love and the most fulfilling job I will ever do. That this imperfect parent is creating imperfect and amazing boys to be fearless in the world. Yoga has taught me there is no one way, therefore many ways to parent, to listen too, and to love my boys.”

DeAnna Chiovera

Daily Gratitude Is Infectious

It’s difficult not to get caught up in the negativity, anger, and frustration within life. But yoga offers that reinforcement of gratefulness, and the stillness to find gratitude in life. Learn how Jennifer passes on that gratitude found within yoga to her son on a daily basis.

“As a yogi mom, I integrate yoga into my everyday life with my only child Dylan. No mat required. We have started a daily gratitude chat time en route to school where we each articulate three things we are thankful for. Car time is some of the best conversation time we have. It might be something as small as I didn’t burn a bagel at breakfast, or it could be much larger, like having a place where you can just be who you are. We live pretty authentically. And we laugh a lot. He once told a teacher that I listened to rap music sometimes but it was OK because I turned down the bad words when he was in the car. I embrace my parenting whiffs because I learn. I regularly tell my son, “I’m not the perfect mom,” to which he says, “but you’re the perfect mom for me.” And that, I think, is embracing yoga in the best possible way.” [Jennifer Wilford]

Jennifer Wilford

Mother and Child Yoga Classes

Bringing these 5 benefits home with you off your mat is amazing in and of itself. But are you also looking to share in a mother and child yoga class? Practicing and sharing time on your mat together can build strong and healthy relationships, as noted by two of our Mother and Daughter members Tricia and Andrea.

But we know getting into studio isn’t always easy, and sometimes you just want to practice at home with kids who may be too young for in studio classes. We’ve got you covered. We’ve released a great slow flow class from Rachel and her daughter with partner poses, breath work, and a guided meditation at Inspire Yoga Online. Find it under our Free Featured Classes at Inspire Yoga Online clicking on the image below.

Rachel and her daughter practicing yoga together standing facing each other on yoga mat
Rachel and her daughter sharing a fun family yoga class

Celebrating Mom’s Everyday with Yoga

Only Mother’s can provide this type of perspective and sage advice. And we love our community for sharing these personal stories. Thank you to all the Mothers that inspire us, build strong mother and child relationships, and share the benefits of the practice of yoga throughout their lives.

Let’s celebrate the mom’s around us every day. They are committed to and pursuing a beautiful, yet refining path. So whenever you come across this blog, share in these personal stories and think about the special Mother’s in your life (or yourself) who may benefit from yoga.

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