Happy April, yogis! This month we are excited to feature yet another very inspiring yogi – Darin Castillo! Darin practices consistently at the Denton location where he enjoys all of the different class styles we offer at the studio. He almost always has a smile on his face and has such a positive and kind presence. Read his story below and give him some love in the comments!
Practicing at Inspire Yoga has really helped me cement my morning self-care ritual.
As many others have found, a huge benefit of yoga has been helping me cope with anxiety. Training and challenging myself to maintain a deep breathing pattern during the chaos that comes with class has helped me off my mat tremendously. Attending classes at Inspire has been a gratifying experience for me. Although we have students at varying levels, I have never felt judged or pressured. Encouragement is ever-present in the form of thoughtful and patient instruction from IY staff. The community surrounding the studio is also a major draw for me that keeps me attending. I am always grateful to enjoy a glass of wine after class or meet up for coffee with our yoga family.
I hope to one day soon conquer teacher training and give back what Inspire Yoga has given me: a sense of family, a gentle reminder to keep breathing both on and off the mat, and of course that wonderful feeling of relaxation and accomplishment that is well-earned at the end of each class.