Yoga Instructors in Colleyville – Top Rated and Ready to Inspire

If you are looking for some of the top yoga instructors in Colleyville, the top rated ones in the area are ready to Inspire you. The Inspire Yoga Colleyville team has been assembled! We couldn’t be happier to open our doors with such dynamic teachers who really offer something so unique to the students coming to visit our studio and even online. We are going to highlight our starting lineup of yoga instructors and learn a little more about them in this blog post.

Melanie Taylor

We’ll start with an experienced and dynamic yoga instructor you may already be familiar with from Inspire Yoga Grapevine [insert drum roll here]…

Melanie Taylor! Melanie has taught several classes for Inspire Grapevine over the last year or so but has also been such a friendly and supportive face to many who know her in the DFW yoga community.

We had the chance to ask Mel a few questions regarding her life on and off the mat. 

Melanie, mind telling us a little bit about your yoga origin story?

I had practiced yoga for about 10 years before I made the decision to learn more and take my 200 hour teacher training. Once I did, I knew in every way that teaching yoga was a part of my life’s mission and that my life had changed forever!

Inspire Yoga Colleyville Instructor Melanie Taylor
Melanie Taylor

That’s so cool! You really lived the whole motto of “student first, teacher second.” What is one thing you would say everyone should do at least once in their life?

I had a teacher say years ago that we should always do (at least) one thing each day that scares us. It’s taken me awhile to truly realize the wisdom in this since fear, transmuted, is really love! Practice turning fear into love as often as possible, and for me, skydiving was for sure one of those transformative experiences! Just sayin!;)

Skydiving is definitely on my bucket list! Speaking of fear, the last few months have been a whirlwind of stepping foot into the unknown. How do you personally see the next few months ahead going for you?

In the coming months I’m looking forward to the spectacular unknown! I’ve been given months of reflection, uncertainty, introspection, and awareness that have challenged my focus to my blessings. I know it’s been a challenging time, maybe the hardest in anyone’s recent memory. However, I know that growth and transformation often first resemble destruction. I look forward to seeing what we’re all going to build in the new spaces that have been made!

Jamie Breese

We are so excited to announce another beautiful individual, Jamie Breese, as our second instructor spotlight! Jamie is a recent Texas transplant from Illinois and is a 200 RYT graduate with a strong practice on and off the mat. Keep your eyes peeled for Jamie on Inspire Yoga Colleyville’s upcoming schedule this October and get a sense of why we love Jamie so much through our conversation. 

Everyone has a really unique journey to finding the mat. Mind telling us a little bit about your yoga origin story?

I started yoga in 2010 when a friend asked me to go with her to a class. I remember looking around the room trying to find the speaker that was playing the loud breathing noises I was hearing (haha). As I kept moving through the class I found by the end laying there in savasana I felt my mind quieting down for the first time in my life. I honestly didn’t even know it was possible to stop the constant chaos loop that my mind was playing. I was instantly hooked.

That first experience of feeling the mind quiet down is so profound. What was your motivating force in your decision to become a yoga instructor?

I wanted a completely different profession that allowed me to do something I truly loved and believed in. Yoga to me is a place that allows me to connect within and with others and I wanted to be able to share this life changing experience yoga provides with others.

Speaking of connecting with others, what are some of your favorite ways of seeking connection on your day-today?

I really enjoy FaceTiming with my daughters (off to college!), going on walks with my husband, and snuggling with my dogs. 

When you aren’t practicing or cuddling with your dogs (insert heart eyes here), what else takes up your time?

Until recently it was my daughters, but they have both gone away to college. I also work contract for a medical device company where I teach and place a Wearable Defibrillator on patients at risk for Sudden Cardiac Arrest. And when I’m not doing that I am at home enjoying time with my husband and two dogs. 

They say everyone has a book inside of them. What would your book be about?

Surviving and overcoming life’s challenges while learning to truly let go and find balance (it’s a work in process).

Abby Schiewe

For Round #3 of our Instructor Spotlight, we welcome Abby Schiewe to our team! Abby is such a free spirit, loves to travel, and believes everyone can find their own unique love of yoga with the right guidance and instruction. Not that we’re biased (maybe only a little) but we can’t think of anyone better to provide that guidance and instruction! Follow our conversation to get a feel for Abby and her style! 

Abby, tell us a little bit about how you found yourself practicing yoga for the first time?

When I was 17, during a soccer game I tore my ACL and shredded my meniscus to pieces in my left leg. Several months into physical therapy, my therapist said I needed to start moving more, specifically to start doing yoga. I wasn’t even a little bit thrilled but taking my therapist’s advice, my parents signed me up at a local studio’s weekly class called “Yoga for Athletes”. I walked into the room skeptical and ready to leave. I wasn’t expecting to be rocked as hard as I was. After the first class alone, I felt stronger, intrigued, I wanted more. It challenged me in a way I’d never been challenged before and for the first time in my life I wasn’t just “good” at it naturally; I had to really work at it. And here I am today continuing to put in the work, relearning about my body every practice, and feeling stronger than ever.

The doubt I experienced prior was what made me want to begin teaching. I became a believer and wanted to spread that to others. I got so much out of it and wanted everyone to experience the same! I chose to pursue a teaching certification so that I could begin leading people into meetings with themselves, physically, mentally, and spiritually. I chose a training that was heavy in knowledge of anatomy and movement, as I believe you must first open the physical body, to get to the rest of your being. Yoga is strength, and I truly believe that with the right guidance, it will make a believer out of everyone.

What can we find you doing when you aren’t practicing or teaching yoga?

Laughing, smoothies, sunshine, dance parties in my car (I swear I’m a safe driver), and new podcasts.

Addicted to podcasts! They shine light on new and interesting topics and ideas every day. Speaking of interesting, where is the most interesting place you’ve visited so far?

Vietnam was the most interesting so far. Being immersed in a culture so different from my own growing up in TX, USA, was so refreshing and fun to learn about. You see everything differently.

Couldn’t agree with this sentiment more. If you weren’t teaching yoga, what would you be doing instead?

Probably fashion! I’m a little boujee- I love quality clothes and art. I was actually accepted into FIDM in LA but senior year of high school decided to decline and travel and pursue yoga instead!

So cool! What are some things you’re looking forward to in the coming months?

With yoga- teaching more, studying more, practicing more. With life- Fall is my favorite season! I already planned my Halloween costume months ago and I’m stoked for all the dinner parties and holiday traditions to come. Also, this season is the most fun to dress for fashion-wise.

Tristen Keeker

Our CV family would never have felt complete if not for our next instructor for our Instructor Spotlight Round Four!

Welcome to the family [insert drum roll here]… TRISTEN KEEKER!

Tristen has been a yoga instructor fixture here in the community for the past few years so is no stranger to us! Tristen, as a teacher and just downright human, exudes compassion, intelligence,  wisdom beyond her years and a funny sense of humor. She also is a dog mom to the cutest dogs ever, just peep her IG and you’ll get it. Take some time to read our conversation and get a sense of who she is and what you can expect from her in the studio!

So Tristen, from what I understand, your yoga origin story came while you were an elementary school teacher? Tell us more about that!

I didn’t choose the yogi life, the yogi life chose me! Although I had a completely different plan (becoming an elementary school teacher!), I kept feeling the pull to mindfulness and yoga. I completed my 200 RYT Certification in 2015 at The Yoga Factory in Plano and attended numerous workshops over the last five years. Guiding yogis through their practice is what living my best life truly feels like! I teach yoga to help others tap into their bodies, their breath, and their most real, authentic selves – while having fun and getting sweaty! I believe the work you do on your mat transfers to life off the mat – we show up as more mindful and powerful humans with better connections to everything and everyone around us. It happens before you even realize it! When I’m not practicing or teaching, you can catch me traveling, being outdoors, or deep in a Netflix binge with my pups!

Yes! The physical practice is great,  but nothing compares to the ability to tune into who we truly are deep down. Speaking of, what does your truest self enjoy doing when you aren’t teaching?

Quality time and no real agenda with my family. Spending the days exploring a new place outside – whether that’s a beautiful spot to hike or a cool farmers market. Then in the evening, ordering some pizza and snuggling up on the couch to watch a great movie.

And congratulations on expanding your family with your new baby girl! How has life changed since having her?

 There is just nothing like this tiny human looking at you like you’re the greatest thing to ever exist. I’m just trying to live my best life for her.

I’m sure being a mom also requires much needed time away to reset. What does your personal yoga practice mean to you?

Freedom. The freedom to just be completely with my breath and body. Everything else just fades into the background when I’m on my mat.

Couldn’t agree more! What’s a good quote for you to live by?

Do no harm but take no shit! 🙂

I think we all could use quote on tough days! What are you looking forward to over the next couple of  months?

 After taking off a few months to have a baby, I’m so ready to get back to teaching yoga again! I’ve had the privilege of being part of three brand new studios in my teaching career so far and I can’t wait to really dig in and help build this community! 

Shannon Ford

You know what time it is! INSTRUCTOR SPOTLIGHT! Lucky #5, we have Shannon Ford, a RYT 200 who graduated from Inspire Yoga Teacher Training this past year and we couldn’t be happier to see her blossom and find her groove within our studio. She is a rockstar human and mom and has a beautiful self-practice that spills into her teaching style. 

Shannon, you are a fitness QUEEN! Tell us a little bit about how out of all the modalities of fitness, you found the practice of yoga?

I knew I wanted to become a yoga instructor when my practice was influenced by other instructors who helped me connect the physical practice to the mental, emotional and spiritual aspect of yoga. Once I was able to make this connection, my whole life transformed. My relationships became healthier, I started seeing the beauty in all of those I came across and I started to love myself more. I was so thankful to part of a world and community of people who saw the good in me, that I wanted to be able to share that side and service with others. Prior to becoming a stay at home mother of three children, I worked as a social worker. I found so many parallels between both fields and I feel like being a yoga teacher is an extension of my call to social work. 

That’s so beautiful. At the end of the day, yoga is all about service and you have the service part down! Tell us more about your family!

I have a 5 year old son, 3 year old daughter and 4 month old daughter. While I loved my career as a social worker prior to having children, I absolutely love being a stay at home during this brief phase of life. I feel grateful that I have the opportunity to be able to be home with them. With that being said, I am also grateful for a yoga practice that gives me the strength, energy and patience to be able to stay home full time with them.

Children are really our greatest teachers.  How do your children inspire you or teach you currently?

My children make me want to be better. My children make me want to make the world better. They are sponges. I see myself in them. The good and the not so good. I see my reactions reflected on their faces and every day I see how much stronger and more honest I can become because of them. My husband also inspires me to be better. He sets high expectations for any one he comes in contact with, particularly me as his life partner. We’ve been together for 12.5 years and I have become a better version of myself thanks to him and the little army we created together. 

When you find some moments of free time on the weekend, how do you spend it with your biggest inspirations?!

A good weekend nowadays would include relaxing mornings watching a movie with the kids. a chance to sneak off and do an exercise (besides yoga, I love running, cycling and barre), a family walk or trip to the farmers market (pre-covid times. of course), snuggles with the kiddos and some form of date with my husband, whether that means a babysitter or a date-night in after the kids are in bed. 

You’re so giving day to day.  What small things do your loved ones do that allow you to keep it all together?

Small things that make my day better tend to be when someone provides a small act of service. If my husband cooks dinner, cleans up or stops at the store and gets food he noticed we needed, I feel like I won the lottery. When a stranger smiles or says something kind, I find that I want to pay that kindness forward. When my kids tell me unprompted that I am the “bestest mommy in the world” and shower me with hugs and kisses, I literally know I won the mommy lottery. 

They say we all have a book waiting to be written inside of us all. What would your book be about?

My book would be about a woman slowly learning who she was over time from one of six kids, to an insecure teenager and young adult, to a woman climbing up in her career, to a woman rediscovering who she was as a stay at home wife and mom and all the ups and downs that come with it. It would be a book about mistakes, faults, accomplishments, humility, growth and lots of love. 

Tara Munro

This week’s spotlight is an instructor who is a fixture for Inspire Yoga! You may have flowed with her. You may have even stuck around to share some brewskis with her. You may have even gotten the opportunity to pet her dog, Lionel. But this spotlight will allow another glimpse into the life of one of our favorite instructors and yogis. 

Introducing TARA MUNRO!

Tara has been a top yoga teacher in Colleyville, a fixture and friendly face here in the community since 2011, having taught for Inspire Yoga Highland Village, Grapevine, and now Colleyville!

So, Tara, tell us a little bit about your background with yoga.

Ever since I walked into my first yoga class in 2000, I couldn’t help but share this amazing practice with as many people as I can. After my first class it became very clear to me how vastly rich the practice of yoga is in its ability to integrate the body, mind and spirit. I have since completed a 200 hour Yoga Training program, 500 hour training in Yoga Therapy, and am certified to teach Adaptive Yoga to students with MS.I have a disciplined teaching style that is both therapeutic and challenging.

What are some small things that make your day better?

Music, kisses from my dog Lionel, Topo Chico, Savon de Marseilles soap, an empty dishwasher and delivered groceries. 

What does your personal yoga practice mean to you?

It means my own escape to turn off all the outside and turn inward to tap into my authentic self.

You teach at almost all of our studios! What do you like to do when you aren’t busy practicing and/or teaching?

Pre-Covid, working full-time, traveling and attending concerts. Now, gardening and walking Lionel. 

What would be one quote you would live by, if you had to choose?

“You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice,” – Bob Marley. 

Diane Pintar

Our next Inspire Yoga Colleyville Instructor Spotlight is a familiar face around these parts in the yoga community. Diane Pintar! Peep below to check out our conversation with Diane and get a deeper insight into her background and vibe! 

Every yoga origin story is so unique and captures the beauty of how so many of our paths wind and wind to lead us right here, exactly where we need to be. What’s your story and path to teaching yoga?

My journey into yoga began 18 years ago right after I had my oldest son. I decided that I wanted to be in shape so I could keep up with him, so I began with some Rodney Yee videos at home and was hooked! I then met a friend who was a yoga teacher wanting to open her own studio, so I helped her create that space and grew even more involved in all things yoga. That was when I went through my first 200 hour YTT while at her studio. It was an amazing and immersive experience, but unfortunately I moved to Arizona before doing my final written exam, so I didn’t get my official certificate. That led to a period of time where I was frustrated with what I’d just gone through and I let yoga slip from my life for a while. Once we moved to Texas, I began my love affair with yoga once again! I was super active in the yoga community in Colleyville, and when local teacher training was offered, my husband surprised me and signed me up! (Talk about supportive, right?! ) Since graduating from YTT with my 200 hour cert, I’ve worked at several studios teaching everything from hot vinyasa, to kids yoga, to yoga Nidra!  

Yes to Rodney Yee! He was always an inspiration in all things yoga and teaching. Who inspires you to be better in your own life?

My kids. I sometimes see my less desirable habits popping up in their behavior (Full disclosure- I tend to yell at other cars while driving. Lol) and it causes me to pause and reevaluate the example I’m setting, then I try to provide a better example. 

In your opinion, what is something everyone should do at least once in their lives?

Hmmm….that’s tough since everyone’s life journey is so unique, but maybe to have the opportunity to travel alone. Even if it’s just out into the woods for an overnight camp out under the stars, or traveling to the furthest corners of the world, just the chance to be alone with yourself without other influences over where you go, or what you do is so freeing. 

I couldn’t agree more. Time alone, to tune inwards, is the most freeing thing. That’s why so many of us turn to yoga, I think. Speaking of, what made you want to become a yoga instructor?

I fell in love with yoga and how it made me feel 18 years ago. It’s been a long journey to become a teacher, with many breaks along the way, but ultimately I realized how much better of a person, wife, mother, friend, and just general version of myself I am when I practice, and I wanted to share that experience with everyone else too! 

What are some small things that make your day better?

Coffee in the morning, a nice message from a friend, fun mail in my mailbox, sunshine, time to read, good music on the radio. 

What are you looking forward to over the next couple of months?

New adventures ahead in teaching, spending more time creating and growing my candle business, and creating fun memories with my family during the holidays! 

Jennifer McElroy

Just two more yoga instructors in Colleyville left for our Instructor Spotlight and that will wrap up our introductions to our family over here at Inspire Yoga Colleyville! This week we have an instructor who started off teaching the very first class at Inspire Yoga Grapevine…


Jennifer has been teaching yoga since 2013 and has been a part of Inspire Yoga Colleyville since its conception!  Stay tuned below to learn a little bit about Jennifer’s yoga background. 

So, Jennifer, tell us a little bit about your background with yoga.

I lived in Thailand as an English teacher right out of college in 2013. It was such a happy time except it wasn’t a common sight in my tiny village to go on runs as I was always a long-distance runner in my earlier years. So, I bought a super cheap mat on a weekend trip to Bangkok and started following along in my tiny apartment to YouTube videos, mostly Yoga With Adriene, duh! I came back to Austin for the summer before moving to Saudi Arabia and fell truly in love with the practice at Wanderlust in downtown Austin. When I moved to Saudi, I actually randomly found an American woman named Sarah Bohairy teaching a 200 hour program through Noah Maze in the attic of her home just two weeks after I arrived! I had no intention of teaching. I just wanted somewhere safe + consistent to practice and get better. But once the yoga bug bites… I completed my 300 hour RYT training in Nicaragua through intensive 40 days with Meghan Currie in 2016 and have been teaching practically non-stop ever since!

That’s awesome! Sounds like you’ve been to a ton of places. What made you want to become a yoga instructor?

I never was set on becoming an instructor. Even after 500 hours of training, that wasn’t really on my mind. I just wanted to get strong and gain an awareness of my body! The yoga teaching happened really organically and before I knew it, I was doing it full-time and sustaining a living from it. But what keeps me coming back to teach every week is because I love to see the joy, smiles, and soft faces on my students. To know I can be of service to brighten someone’s day, to give them a mirror to look back at the preciousness in them, while also to have fun and explore challenging things, it’s simply the BEST!

What does your personal yoga practice mean to you?

I have no better way to put it than to say everything else falls away when I’m on my mat. There is no traffic, no stress, no places to go and no hats to wear. It gives me a path of epic curiosity of my body and mind. Of where I could soften a bit more and where I could use some strengthening. When I practice, there is no duality. Nothing is good and nothing is bad, nothing is right and nothing is wrong, it is all just an investigation into the matters of the heart. I get onto my mat and out of my head and I get to look into a mirror of someone who is love, who is loved, who is human and precious and worth it. 

Beautifully put! What are some small things that make your day better?

Slow coffee mornings with my partner are so important to me. I also LIVE for being outside. Give me a bench, a warm cup of coffee, and a decent view to look at and I’m in heaven. Getting out on the water, enjoying live music (was that a thing once?) and spending quality time with my family is the best. I’m an animal lover as well and before my dog passed away, I loved to hit the trails with her by my side. 

Favorite quote to live by?

Oh, that’s easy! “I now see how owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.” — Brene Brown 

Rachael Fallon

This is our last official Instructor Spotlight and that wraps up showcasing our yoga family over here at Inspire Yoga Colleyville! LAST BUT CERTAINLY NOT LEAST IS….

RACHAEL FALLON! Rachael is no stranger to our location or to the Colleyville area as she has been teaching here for years! Rachael offers something unique and special for our students here at Inspire Yoga Colleyville! Peep our conversation below to get a vibe for what Rachael is all about!

So, Rachael, tell us a little bit about your background with yoga.

I found yoga years ago as I was transitioning in the workplace. After being in the same field for many years, this was a scary and unsure new direction. There was a small yoga studio next door, and once I finally got the courage to attend a class (after much doubt and apprehension) it didn’t take long for me to fall in love!

I finished my 200 hour in conjunction with Dallas-based We Yogis and Authentic Yoga TT in Scottsdale. 2 years later, I completed my 300 hour with Patrick Beach & Carling Harps in Los Angeles (Awakening Yoga Training). I continue to take workshops and smaller series of trainings as I can to try to stay informed and aware of the many facets and modalities of yoga. I have been teaching for 5 years, and practicing for a bit longer than that. My practice definitely soared and became more serious as I began teacher training.

That’s awesome! Immersing ourselves in an intensive teacher training will definitely do that. What does your personal practice mean to you?

It is an amazing gift of expression and personal freedom that always seems to ground me and help to press the “reset” button. I honestly wish I had more time in my day to practice regularly!

What are some small things that make your day better? Those things that offer up a nice reset button you just mentioned.

A snuggle with my cats! A quick phone call or FaceTime with an old friend. Driving around with the windows down and that perfect burst of fresh air and sunshine on my skin. 

Who inspires you to be better on those tough and challenging days?

My mentors and teachers, Patrick Beach and Carling Harps. 

And lastly, in your opinion, what is something everyone should do at once in their lives?

Wait tables!

I can definitely agree with that! If everyone waited tables, I think we would be a lot more understanding of the service industry as a whole! Thanks Rachael so much for taking the time out of your day to give us all a deeper sense of who you are and what you’re about!

Daily Inspiration Available

Join these instructors for unique yoga classes every day. And as always, drop a comment on your favorite instructor.

We’ll see you on the mat. 

5 thoughts on “Yoga Instructors in Colleyville – Top Rated and Ready to Inspire”

  1. I’ll be at her Bend and Brew this Friday! A few spots left to sign up but stay tuned for her class schedule and other instructor blogs in the coming days and weeks!

  2. I’m beyond excited to get to be a part of this team with such amazing experienced teachers!!! I can not wait to take Mel’s classes!!!!

  3. Bend and Brew this Friday is a great way to celebrate the innagural team!!! There are Great yoga classes coming to a Colleyville yoga studio near you!!! Melanie – thanks for kicking things off! It will be a fun ride into the unknown.

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