Today is Friday, June 5th:

Welcome Back! All Studios are Open!

Your favorite yoga studio is OPEN and ready to go! Active members and class card holders can now sign in to any class. We are grateful to see you again!

There is a waitlist function in use. Please contact your studio if you need sign in assistance. At this moment, new class cards are not yet available. However, new memberships will be accepted.

Thank you all for the extreme patience and kindness you have shown us during this experience.

We missed you so much and are glad to be together to again.

Today is Sunday, April 19th:

Inspire Yoga is ready to re-open with limited social gatherings! We will open first for Members Only and follow up soon after that for everyone.

Look for our communications via email and get ready to practice again! In light of members only during our initial phase of re-opening, we will do our best to accommodate new memberships and class card client conversion to membership.

Today is Monday, April 6th:

Inspire Yoga has launched ON-DEMAND VIDEOS for members. Check it out! We are hoping to be open very soon! Live Steam Classes will continue. See you soon. Stay safe.

Today is March 20th 2020 at 1:30PM CST.

Like everyone else on the planet, I want to know what will happen next.

So, I researched this link to the Texas Governor’s Executive Order from March 19th. Then, after reading it entirely, I called the Governor’s office at (512) 463 – 2000 with the hope of asking a quick clarification question or two.

“Keep your eyes wide. The chance won’t come again.”

Bob Dylan (1964)

Surprisingly, the call was answered by a live person after only two rings.

Success! I do love Texas for many reasons and this is just one more.

In three seconds I indicated my reason for the call and I was transferred. However, the department to which I was transferred went strait to voicemail, so I left a message.

I know the world is busier than ever right now, so I am not anticipating a fast call back. If I get one, this blog will get updated!

So, we are left to understand this executive order to the best of our ability along with all the other information that is available.

Here are the highlights that we should understand together.

Domestic Transportation (Air and Auto) is not restricted in any way. I have mixed feelings about this one. Personally, I feel domestic air travel is a bigger current risk to our shared public health in Denton County than other item in play.

Public Schools are Closed through April 3rd 2020. I view this as reasonably good guidance. If there are snow or ice days and other inclement weather, I have always been grateful to rely on LISD Policy.

Bars, restaurants, gyms, and massage parlors are all closed with some caveats and conditions. This seems to make sense with respect to minimizing close contact and touching shared things and each other. Many businesses are to be closed, but many exceptions are needed for us to continue to live and operate.

Social Gatherings of 10 or more are to be avoided. This makes sense in the context of the situation. However, this seems written more as a guideline than a firm directive given the softness of the legal language used.

Shelter In Place is NOT in effect. This means your movements are in fact not yet restricted. We are all simply asked to do our best.

The Exact Executive Order is not that long and everyone should read it for themselves. Read it now before you move on with this essay.

Given all this information, what does this mean for Inspire Yoga?

And what does this mean for your ability to leave your home to go to a yoga class?

Well, Inspire Yoga’s official updates will remain noted on the Featured Blog Post and our Class Schedule page. So, please keep checking that daily.

But, at this moment, I want to offer some of my throught process and accept any feedback and comments in the forum below.

Inspire Yoga is not a bar, restaurant, or gym. Certainly we are not a gym. We have worked hard to maintain that distinction and I trust that all our members understand the difference from our perspective on that one.

So, I feel we simply fall under the category of Social Gatherings.

If we want to be open with classes of 9 plus an instructor, I think we could.

However, at this moment it just seems socially irresponsible to our members and instructor staff, so we are closed.

If nothing changes and this is it, then we could be open full out on April 4th.

And, if nothing changes and this is it… we could technically reopen sooner with groups of 10 or less in each class.

We will wait a few more days and evaluate our instructor and client feedback before making more decisions, but we are using our studios with minimal staffing to bring you Live Stream Content.

Please let me know what you think Inspire Yoga’s role should be in our community relative to a re-open strategy.

My feeling is that the sooner the better, but if you know me well you are aware that I value safety first in everything from using scissors to driving fork trucks to yoga poses and certainly to this social gathering question in the COVID 19 environment.

Be safe friends. Please comment here if you want your opinions and concerns included in our decision making process.

And Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, saying, “I will; be clean.” And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.

Matthew 8: 2-3

11 thoughts on “INSPIRE YOGA IS OPEN”

  1. I would like to reiterate a huge thank you to our members, staff, and clients for the patience and kindness shown during this period. It has been a remarkable affair for everyone. We are confident that our community has been through enough now to value the togetherness that we have and to begin to re-engage safely. A huge part of life is sharing. We will move forward and continue to do that the best we can. We know our community will show great respect for each other as Inspire Yoga clients, members, and staff support a safe reopening.

  2. Seems like the fact that there are those that can be asymptomatic isn’t being taken into account. Also the science on re-infection is not clear yet as well. While it is hopeful to wish to believe that by April the risk will be over that isn’t for certain. So following recommended protocols would be the reasonable thing to do.

  3. I think opening before the executive order is fulfilled is risky for you all unless you know for sure that the Denton County Health dept. doesn’t classify yoga studios as gyms. I’m not sure they make the distinction like we do. I also think that opening before April 3 Is a bit outside the spirit of the order, even if not outside the legality of the order. But that’s just my opinion. We are offering people great content online and people seem to be happy with it. I say we stay the course until this unfolds a little more. If by April 3 we aren’t on “shelter in place” I say we reopen to full class sizes.

  4. You know I’m down with whatever you guys decide. If everything remains as is or gets better, then I’m all in for teaching again at the studio with the limitation of 10 per class. However, if things get worse then obviously…plan B.

  5. Inspire Yoga studios are a special place for the people in this community. I think that if there are instructors who are willing to teach and yogis who are willing to yoga then it makes sense to make an effort to provide that opportunity as soon as possible. Of course while also continuing to maintain an environment that is as safe as possible.

    1. Brent, what the instructors have been willing to do over these past two months was amazing. The entire staff worked so hard to bring Live Stream and On Demand to life. It was great to watch. Thank you so much for all your support and encouragement. We know everyone is ready to come back now and we will still take it one step at a time. It has been wonderful to feel so much support to keep us all together.

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