Beauty. Wellness and Mental Health.

A story of Wellness and Mental Health for a Sustainable 2021.

Inspire Yoga’s January 2021 Member Photo Shoot Event went great! It is exciting to share these beautiful images and offer a discussion about wellness and mental health.

This is the most important season in recent memory to develop your wellness and mental health. Improved wellness and mental health are two irrefutable benefits of a regular yoga practice. This claim is supported by Johns Hopkins Medicine Research as well as by countless testimonials from active Inspire Yoga Members, both beginners and advanced.

Use 2021 to bring health and wellness back into your life.

Together we will shine a bright light on all the beauty in the world. At Inspire Yoga, we plan to do out part. We have a fun new experience to offer Inspire Yoga Members, Instructors, and Teacher Training Graduates.

The next Member Photo Shoot Event is scheduled for Sunday, March 14th at the Highland Village yoga studio. Registration is open.

Save the date and sign yourself in through the regular yoga class schedule page. Wellness and Mental Health are your focus right now. The March 14th Photo Shoot Event is open to all members, yoga teacher training graduates, and instructors. Just sign up like you would for a regular class and be prepared for a fun experience.

First, I have to start by offering a huge thank you to Anna Compotaro for the amazing photography work. Equally so, I have to thank the amazing crew that attended.

Sara, Abby, Marci, Courtney, Emma, and Alana, – Thank you so much for bringing your vibrant energy and for sharing your beautiful smiles with everyone.

Next, please let me share a couple thoughts on wellness and mental health that this photo shoot event bought to mind.

Wellness, Mental Health, Sustainability, and Beauty are part of the Inspire Yoga Experience.

It is important to give yourself space to feel your best. One way to develop a strong base of personal wellness and mental health is with an Inspire Yoga membership. With all the distractions and noise in the world right now, you will be amazed at the speed and scope of your wellness and mental health improvements after a commitment of toward your personal development.


Wellness is the cornerstone of a happy life. If you are happy, it is because you have built a strong element of wellness into your lifestyle. If you are not happy, now is the season to get started.

New Inspire Yoga members benefit from a wellness focused environment. It is easier to be happy when you spend your time around other happy people. It is easier to make positive changes in your life when you are surrounded by others on the same path.

For everyone, wellness is a very personal lifetime journey.

What we know for sure is that simple day to day decisions build up into a vast reserve of wellness.

You can decide to be around others today, or spend the entire day alone. You might choose an activity that involves physical motion instead of the next episode of Cobra Kai on NETFLIX. (Although I do understand this struggle – the character of Johnny Lawrence deserves an Emmy). Perhaps have another water instead of soda. Maybe walk outside without headphones or electronics. Breathe slowly. Yes, practice and learn to breath more slowly.

All these little things add up into a functional reserve of wellness for when you need it. You already know that with whom you spend your time will either make it much easier or much more difficult to build your personal reserve of wellness.

Even just one yoga class per week at Inspire Yoga will be enough to build up your personal wellness over time.

From the January 2021 Member Photo Shoot Event, this is the one image that best captured the element of Wellness.

Wellness is about starting with one strong step forward. It is about creating a healthy habit and sticking with it.

Mental Health

Simply not talked about enough is the importance of mental health. There are several very simple actionable steps that put you in a better state of mind every time.

Physically move your body. Interact with other people, preferably people you like. Get better sleep. Sweat on occasion. It is pretty clear that a yoga membership leads you down the right path here.

When was the last time you sat down quietly to take stock of your mental health? How is your mental health today compared to one year ago, six months ago, or one month ago? What is your game plan to keep your mind strong this year?

Last year was the most challenging mental health year for most of us. This year, 2021, is the year to plan ahead and incorporate a mental health improvement plan as part of your activities.

Schedule yourself at least two yoga class per week at Inspire Yoga. That should be enough to perpetuate a stable mental health improvement plan for 2021.

From the January 2021 Member Photo Shoot Event, this is the one image that best captured the element of Mental Health.

Good mental health starts with choosing the right environment. Then, it is about keeping your head up and constantly looking forward toward the light.


Sustainability is an important aspect of how we share the world’s energy. The energy we expend on any given day can not exceed the energy we have at that point in time. It is a simple mass balance. What activities put energy into your system?

This perspective is true on a global scale, but it is equally true on an individual scale. For my personal sustainment, I keep an active yoga studio membership. For the benefit of the global community, I have recently embarked on a journey to teach my family how to be Farmers through a Home School Project.

Yes. I said Farmers. Please don’t laugh too hard. Look, it feels good to touch the earth. There is lots more to be done still, but my homeschool is in the middle of a great lesson with Calvin’s Farm. This spring there will be lots of fresh eggs for Inspire Yoga members.

Inspire Yoga members who take three yoga class per week experience a well balanced and sustainability lifestyle.

Energetically, this practice makes you capable, aware, powerful, and peaceful. It just might spark some creativity and goodwill in your every day life experiences as well. How do you do your part to make tomorrow better than today for everyone you interact with?

From the January 2021 Member Photo Shoot Event, this is the one image that best captured the element of Sustainability.

Sustainability is easy to see in this image as energy comes in from the sun and shines out through the heart.


Beauty is an experience. When we experience some form of beauty, our wellness and mental health spikes upward.

Experience Inspire Yoga

Dedicate one month of your life to an experience of four yoga class per week at Inspire Yoga and you will forever see more beauty in the world.

You will become acutely aware of all the beauty around you and most importantly, you will more clearly see all of the true beauty inside you.

From the January 2021 Member Photo Shoot Event, this is the one image that best captured the element of Beauty.

Although beauty may require work, preparation, and a determined focus in order to blossom, beauty appears effortless, light, and in perfect balance when you experience it.

The next Member Photo Shoot Event is already scheduled for Sunday, March 14th. Registration is NOW OPEN. We will do our best to accomodate everyone who would like to enjoy this beautiful experience.

Your First Important Decision of 2021 is NOW.

This is the time to join Inspire Yoga. Get back in game and put your wellness and mental health first.

woman in black tank top and blue denim jeans sitting on brown sand
Feel Like This – .ALL THE TIME

Find a steady dose of wellness and mental health with a great community. There are more ways than ever to facilitate this now.

Consider these FOUR creative ways to schedule wellness and mental health into your lifestyle.

Here are FOUR new ways to sustain your health this season in addition to a traditional studio membership at Inspire Yoga. Small Group Private Yoga Classes allow you to pick your yoga class time, yoga class schedule, and your personal participant list up to 10 persons. Alone time has never felt so good – book some Solo Studio Time for meditation or a focused practice. Online Yoga Classes are ready for you any time in our On Demand Library of Inspire Yoga Online. And finally, maybe do your own Event Rental and set up a private photo shoot to up your social game.


Personal lessons have always been a thing here. Still are. But did you know that all locations of Inspire Yoga Studios now offer small group private classes?

This means you can simply look at the class schedule and find any open time slot that works for you. Then contact the studio manager and request the time slot and a class style. It’s that simple. This becomes your own private yoga class time. You can control who is in the studio with you for that class and tailor it to your level, whether you are a beginner yoga student or advanced..

Early March it will be game on, so contact your studio manager and get your yoga catering set up. All the best time slots will go fast. Contact your Denton, Highland Village/Flower Mound, Grapevine, or Colleyville studios.


Alone time anyone? Maybe you just want to sit. Maybe you want to work on a couple specific items in a blissful studio space all by yourself. Your wellness and mental health reserve will surely get a boost from 30 or 45 minutes of private time in one of our studios.

The drill is the same. Just check the class schedule for an open time and contact the studio manager to get set up. Schedule yourself a time slot once a week for a month and watch your health soar.


The Inspire Yoga On Demand Library is now a legend among the online yoga class offerings that spring up in 2020. Now with over 200 classes to watch at any time, you can view on your own schedule and get your wellness and mental health care in manageable pieces.

As a brief teaser, Yoga Teacher Training Videos are in the works. In just a couple short months you will be able to step into yoga teacher training with a few videos at


Here is a fun idea! Want your to schedule your own private yoga photo shoot just like the one at the top of this post? Or maybe you want to get out of the house with 4 friends to celebrate in a creative way? We can help you make all that happen and more. Just reach out to us and ask.

Some Final Thoughts

In closing, you can sustain your energy this season with a yoga practice. There are lots of creative ways to do it. Find beauty in the everyday and bring the right attitude along for the ride.

Find Beauty. Live Health and Wellness. Inspire Yoga.

7 thoughts on “Beauty. Wellness and Mental Health.”

  1. alexandra Schell

    Inspire yoga has been a major component in keeping my mindset, mental health, and overall wellness in a positive space. The teachers, community, and events have enriched my life in so many ways. Thank you guys for EVERYTHING!

  2. I challenged myself this year to move more and as my travel schedule allows, I try to attend at least 3 classes a week. In this post, I was interested to find that I could book solo time or a small group class. This was something I wasn’t aware could be done. 😊

    1. Private Yoga Lessons and Small Group Studio Rentals are one of our best kept secrets.

      If we don’t have the perfect schedule to fit your three yoga classes per week, then all you have to do is reach out and let us know when you are coming.

      As long as we have an opening at the time you want you can book a repeatable schedule for up to a couple months in a row if you want!

  3. Great suggestions and from this I’ve added more classes per week as a personal challenge and for improved mental health. I definitely feel restored and a sense of calm after each practice and have become more mindful of the “breath” and grateful in my heart. Thank you to all staff and members.

    1. Thanks for the feedback Dee! We love having your presence at the studio. Even one great yoga class can reset you in a positive way. The commitment to take care of yourself with a few classes per week is a great way to stay healthy and happy!

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