Own a Growing Yoga Studio Brand – Make a Pledge Today

Now is a great time to own a growing yoga studio brand! Today you can invest in Inspire Yoga before we launch our yoga franchise plan.

Inspire Yoga just released a REG-CF CROWD FUND investment offer.

We would like you, members and fans, to make a pledge. You can choose to become owners of the company.

Hold on, that is huge news and we’ve got a lot to cover. We’ll explain it all.

This opportunity allows you to invest a little bit through a crowd fund strategy and does not require you to be the one to actually operate an individual yoga studio. Moreover, this strategy does not change our four established locations, but builds on the success of those locations.

But, anyone that might want to operate a yoga franchise in the near future might enjoy this article. Let’s start the discussion with what it is like to own a yoga studio.

I’ve Always Wanted to Own a Yoga Studio

Ever wanted to own a yoga studio, but were unsure of how to start? Want to bring the benefits of yoga to your neighborhood but are not ready to manage your own yoga studio? Trust us, we get that. This is a rewarding lifestyle. Yet, we might have made it look too easy over the past eleven years.

It is true that running a great yoga studio is in fact work. To those called to operate a yoga studio, we are always open to great folks who thrive on human connections.

Now, perhaps you are that individual who wants to be the glue for your community. You want to ensure that your local community has a small business like Inspire Yoga for everyone to enjoy great human connection. Maybe you believe personal freedom and personal interactions are at the heart of the human experience?

You would find it quite enjoyable to teach a couple yoga classes per week and work the front desk once and a while. Its a dream job. Well, we have a plan to help you. A plan to launch our yoga franchise with the Inspire Yoga brand and move forward. Some recent updates to SEC rules have opened amazing new ownership possibilities.

Expanding Ownership Possibilities.

Since the 1930’s the Securities and Exchange Commission would not allow normal people to engage in many investment strategies. .

Why? Here is a good guess. Wall Street has quite an incentive to restrict the flow of capital away from small business and toward large companies. This was the net effect from the 1930’s to today.

But, a few short years ago things changed. REG CF Crowd Funding options are now available for small businesses and normal investors. This is one of the bright shining lights at the moment in an ever changing and highly regulated landscape. And, the REG CF investment model complements the historical community involvement of our brand. 

There is a lot of pioneering hard work, leadership, and creativity right now from bright folks like David Duccini. David captains a fantastic team at Silicon Prairie Portal and Exchange. David, Cedric Long and the SPPO Team support, train, and guide companies like Inspire Yoga through the REG CF process. It has been a blessing to find this team.

Inspire Yoga did our homework with a team of great professionals and a great legal team including Matthew Farris, Vincent Allen, and Jeffery O’Brien. You didn’t notice it as the sweat dripped of your arm onto your mat, but these fine gentlemen have helped to shape a great future for Inspire Yoga.

With our long term plan in place, we’ve established the right tool to raise capital and share ownership. Inspire Yoga is prepared to launch a yoga franchise. And, we even have a ground breaking strategy to help future Inspire Yoga franchise owners. There has never been an easier way to help others own a yoga studio.

Pioneering a New Owner Growth Model

A lot of research, effort, and new partnerships have shaped a bright future for Inspire Yoga. We anticipate that each future individual Inspire Yoga franchise would be allowed to use their own REG-CF Crowd Fund offer to launch each neighborhood Inspire Yoga location. This can excite and galvanize specific membership communities before you even open the doors!

Lets say it is now January 2023. You invested $20,000 in the existing Inspire Yoga Franchisor REG CF. And you funded that investment in June 2022 through our investment portal. That gave you priority notification as the State of Florida became available as an Inspire Yoga franchise territory. Next, you get awarded the territory of Southern Florida from Inspire Yoga Franchisor, LLC.

So, you kick things off with your own new company. Lets call it ‘Florida Yoga Franchise, LLC’.

Well, Florida Yoga Franchise would have the option to work directly with Silicon Prairie Online to offer its own REG CF capital raise. You could seek funding from prospective Florida yoga studio clients before you ever spend a dime, sign a lease, execute a build out, or hire a team.

Well wow! Just wow! This model solves a lot of problems in a better way than we had eleven years ago!

Need capitial to start? Check.

Need a great marketing campaign concept to get the word our before you open? Check. Be the yoga franchise that lets the local members own their local yoga studio!

It is a striking win and from what we can tell no one has done it yet with a franchise business model of any kind. Its a complete and total game changing investment model that allows normal people to vote with their pocketbooks to propagate the products and services they want. It’s exactly what the world needs more of. That’s why Inspire Yoga is so pumped to be working with SPPO.

I’m Not Sure I’m Owner, or Franchise, Material

To be an effective owner of this yoga studio brand only requires three simple things.

  • Some small level of financial input.
  • A level of trust in the strength of the existing brand.
  • A level of trust in the integrity of the existing management team. We hope to have earned that, but at the end of the day that is your call.

When you own a great yoga studio brand, your investment portfolio makes the world a better place.

Today, you have a unique opportunity to invest in the best yoga brand in Texas and call it your own. This is not a Kickstarter campaign that asks for money and gives you a tee shirt. This is the real deal. You receive shares in the company, an annual K-1, and a percentage of profits for life.

So How Does This Ownership Work?

Step one is the REG-CF CROWND FUND that is in progress. Step two of the multi year plan is in fact to franchise. We will franchise throughout Texas for sure. Florida will likely be second. We will intentionally avoid a few states, but Kansas, Arizona, Tennessee, and Colorado are near the top for consideration.

Past Timeline | Current Stage | Future to Own a Yoga Studio Brand

Today we start with our first stage, an active REG-CF Crowd Fund Campaign. Everyone has the opportunity to be on board with the company BEFORE we level up and shoot for the big time.  An owner, through this REG-CF offer, is not required to input any effort at all. At this time we only seek initial investors to own the franchisor entity.

Once this crowd fund is completed, we will be organized and positioned for long term stable growth. This REG-CF offer closes in August 2022 so you have some time to make a pledge, review the materials, ask questions, and then choose to own a part of Inspire Yoga studios.

How Do I Invest?

Inspire Yoga chose a path toward growth and an easy way to invest where you, the investor, don’t have to do any work at all.

This REG-CF offer allows for a $500,000 capital raise, in exchange for company equity with the following guidelines:

  • $2,000 Minimum Investment
  • $1,000 Increments are accepted after the minimum
  • $7,000 is the suggested amount for the average person
  • $20,000 or greater places you on a priority communication list for future franchise territories as they become available

Your maximum investment is limited by the SEC to 10% of your Annual Gross Income unless you qualify as an Accredited Investor. Self Directed IRA’s can be used to fund this REG-CF offer.

The only way investments may be received is through the authorized investor portal. This portal was created in conjunction with Silicon Prairie Online and contains all SEC regulated information that is required to consider this type of investment.

Please make a pledge to be part of the future ownership group. 

4 Things to Know Before You Invest

This type of offer is probably new to you. Let’s address four things you need to know before you invest in the Inspire Yoga brand and participate in Regulation Crowdfunding (REG-CF).

First, what the heck is a REG-CF?

Well, a REG-CF is a relatively new investment tool that allows anyone the opportunity to own part of a company. In this case, you get to own your favorite award winning yoga studio brand, Inspire Yoga! There is no better way to plan our future together. Everyone we love has the opportunity to join the ride. This tool allows you to be a part of the company before we kick off our yoga franchise plan. And don’t worry, it’s a legitimate, new SEC regulated tool for small businesses.

Second, tell me what it means to Pledge?

A pledge today only requires an email registration and a couple of clicks. It is a measure of interest to show your support without jumping all the way to commitment just yet. You have to use the ‘Invest Now’ button via the portal, but its ok to stop after the pledge amount and come back later to actually fund it. A member of our leadership team will contact you after a pledge of any amount. You can schedule a personal review of the investment portal details after a pledge.

Third, will I really own the company?

Yep. We put a multi year plan in place that starts with this first REG-CF. Anyone who wants into the organization can own shares of Inspire Yoga Franchisor, the yoga studio company. We believe this is the right move for you, for us, and for the existing yoga community that we serve. It will bring us together more than ever. It will strengthen our conviction to serve our neighbors through the benefits of yoga for many years to come. REG CF comes first. A full yoga franchise plan gets executed second.

Finally, is this a yoga franchise?

Not yet. Today the opportunity is to own shares of the company that intends to offer yoga franchise opportunities soon. The current REG CF allows you ownership in the mother ship before the magic gets rolling. Have you have ever wondered how exactly a small company becomes a big company? This is a front row seat.

5 Reasons to Become an Owner in Inspire Yoga Studios

Why should you consider ownership in the Inspire Yoga brand? Inspire Yoga has committed to its communities and is positioned for growth into additional communities across the country. We know this is a big commitment and we want to share 5 great reasons to own a piece of Inspire Yoga studios.

1. Established Brand with Proven Organic Growth

Inspire Yoga opened its first studio location in Highland Village, Texas in 2010. This initial location was a huge success and Highland Village has been a cultural flagship ever since. Our brand attracted and engaged some real class act international speakers such as Michelle Marchildon, Taylor Harkness, Kathryn Budig, and Dice Iida-Klein & Briohny Smyth. All of whom we hope to have back to Inspire Yoga very soon.

Inspire Yoga’s organic growth continued in 2015 with the opening of Inspire Yoga – Denton. Inspire’s Denton Yoga Studio produced several great classes of yoga teacher training talent. Students from Texas Woman’s University and the University of North Texas practice along side members of all ages at this fun and hip studio.

In the Denton area, Inspire Yoga – Denton experienced continued growth and serves as a great yoga teacher training location for North Texas. In fact, the next yoga teacher training session is enrolling right now.

The last three years provided a sustained expansion of yoga studios with the opening of Inspire Yoga – Grapevine in 2018 in the heart of downtown Grapevine and Inspire Yoga – Colleyville in 2020.

This decade long pattern of sustained growth kept us local and kept us fun. We established a high level of quality yoga classes within Tarrant County and Denton County. These are two fantastic case-study counties to launch a yoga franchise.

It is also important to note that all the way we have done our best to know everyone, care about everyone, and bring in only the best teachers that are here for the right reasons.

Amidst the industry competition in the area, Inspire Yoga has proven to be the best option for any beginner yoga students. Inspire Yoga has always been the place where teachers want to practice and we support beginner yoga students through to the advanced.

Inspire Yoga’s business model has proved reliable. The dedication of our team just got tested through the most difficult and challenging years. How did we respond? We continued to expand our communities, geographically and online. Are we doing it all right? Now is your chance to vote on that with your investment portfolio.

2. Pride of Ownership in Your Award Winning Yoga Studios

The overall community is guided by a best in class yoga teacher training program, which is now part of an online yoga certification program. Guided by renowned instructors, Inspire Yoga was recognized for excellence in North Texas all of these past eleven years. Inspire Yoga won Best Yoga Studios for ‘Best of Denton County‘ every year since 2011.

Inspire Yoga – Grapevine has also been recognized as one of the top yoga studios in Dallas by expertise.com. Both Inspire Yoga’s Tarrant County locations in Grapevine and Colleyville won TOPS in Tarrant County 2021 in Society Life Magazine. And Inspire Yoga – Colleyville in its first year, made the Southlake Style’s 2021 readers choice.

With over 17,000 classes over the past 11 years and over 18,000 satisfied clients, the resounding complement of these accolades assures that your yoga studio ownership decision is rooted in performance and trust.

3. Investment in YOUR Local Community

Inspire Yoga studios are first and foremost community studios. We tailor our studios uniquely for the community they serve. And for all our communities, Inspire Yoga is a second home where you share with those around you and let go of the struggles you have off the mat. The sense of relief and release on your mat is second to none. Moreover, a strong community around you becomes your friends, your family, and your confidants.

Inspire Yoga Community Friends and Family

As an owner in Inspire Yoga studios, you get that satisfaction of ownership in this second home. You are taking an ownership part in the freedom of this practice as you move your body and share positive energy with others. Feel that sense of ownership where you practice.

4. Priority Notice for Franchise Opportunities

We hear so often of interest from our communities and members in growing this brand. We figured out how to do it right. Through this REG-CF offering, we’ve created the opportunity for you to get priority notice when initial franchise territories become available.

Inspire Yoga Franchisor will send communications for individual yoga franchise opportunities in order of investment amount in the initial REG-CF. So today you become a part of the Franchisor through the REG-CF and tomorrow you will get the first look at each yoga franchise territory as the become available.

There might be a lot of other types of yoga franchise’s out there and maybe any investor can buy a franchise of some kind, but how often do you get the opportunity to own a part of the Franchisor?

5. Return on Investment with an Impact

Inspire Yoga is all about helping individual people change old habits and create new better ones that serve them. This is one of the main functions of a dedicated yoga practice.

However, when it comes to changing the world, we admit to not quite have that all figured out just yet. We still approach it one individual person at a time.

Sometimes the world does need everyday people to rally and change the way we go about things on an individual basis so that as a collective we arrive at a better spot. From an economic impact perspective, the REG CF has opened up a window here for us to consider.

Only a few short years ago no one had the option to invest in a couple of small businesses in addition to the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ. It simply was not allowed by our economic overloads. Today it is allowed. Simple as that! This might be the first time you have even heard of it and the theory alone is worth some reflection.

Let’s say your net worth is $700,000. You almost have your home paid off and you own a chunk of assets like stock in Facebook, Google, Tyson Chicken, Amazon, and Walmart. Some of those asset classes are necessary, but when this is the only option we drive away choice and ethical consumption behavior from our neighborhoods. Its not your fault, there simply have not been other options until now.

So here is the question. Is it an acceptable risk and reward equation to allocate 1% of your net worth toward a local service business you believe in and want to help thrive?

This might be one of the most impactful financial decisions of your life. As more small businesses choose a REG-CF route we can expect an uptick in the sustainability of local consumer choice.

Plus, as the plan is executed we expect to provide an average annual return of 29% over the long run. That will probably make you feel as good as dolphins free of nets, carbon molecules sequestered in whales, and a minimum wage employee making $17 per hour with health care benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions about Owning a Yoga Studio Brand 

We know you may have questions, and we can answer at least some here today. You can find much more detailed information only through our investor portal for this REG-CF offer.

I made a Pledge today. Does this force me to complete the investment?

No.  You can make a Pledge today through the investment portal with only a name and email address.  The call to fund the investment through the portal will be in the June 2022 -August 2022 time frame.

When will I need to fund my pledge if I choose to commit?

There is a funding deadline established by the SEC for this opportunity. The current plan is to confirm the investor pool and then ask for funding in the June to August range of 2022.  

Is it a good investment and how will I get my money back? 

There is a short hold period to initiate the investment project. Share holders receive a ratio of net income that matches their percentage ownership. Based on the long term plan a $7000 investment should return $2030 per year. This represents a 29 percent return on investment.

So, if I invest, I will really be an owner of the company?

Yes.  You will receive a Schedule K-1 every year and you will receive a percentage of net income. 

This is probably the right spot to point out that you will not receive free membership just because you now own the yoga studio company.

The simplest reason for this is that the SEC laws just make it way too complicated to co-mingle this type of benefit in conjunction with an offer for securities in a company. So, we will continue to ask members to be members.

You are of course welcome to be an owner and not necessarily attend the studio. But, at the end of the day we would prefer to see members become owners as opposed to having non-yogi investors. Everyone is welcome, but the design intent is to bring our existing community together with even stronger glue.

As an owner, will I need to do any work?

No.  You just get the pride of ownership and an investment return.  

Investors are not required to do anything.  We always welcome all sorts of help for those looking to volunteer in some way, but nothing is required.

Ready to Own Inspire Yoga?

Inspire Yoga is excited and grateful to offer this path. Today, more than ever, the world needs all the benefits Inspire Yoga clients experience.

Reduced stress, improved mood, increased metabolism, strengthened immune system, weight loss, pain relief, increased flexibility, detoxification, fatigue reduction, improved skin complexion, and a healthy boost of self esteem are all associated with active participation at Inspire Yoga.

Now you can make an impact to ensure all these benefits remain available to everyone. Be a part of our growing story and own Inspire Yoga.

4 thoughts on “Own a Growing Yoga Studio Brand – Make a Pledge Today”

  1. Laura Rawlings

    I had heard about the investment option at Inspire Yoga during my classes. Seeing all the information here is very interesting and definitely something I will think about. A few key states are mentioned for future franchise plans but some states will be intentionally avoided. Would a franchise territory in Hawaii be an option or will it be avoided?

    1. Hello Laura,

      Thanks for the yoga franchise question! If there is someone in our community that would enjoy being an Inspire Yoga Franchisee in Hawaii, then I would anticipate that would be unbelievably cool, Yes!

      Up until this question, Hawaii is not one that we had pondered too deeply yet. When I drafted the notes about avoiding certain areas CA and NY were the example in my mind’s eye. Some areas like these have become too difficult to thrive for the time being.

      Hawaii does not strike me as the type of place to avoid. I have not been there yet in my life, but my brother lives there now!

      During the period of Oct 2022 – April 2023, we plan to vet out which territories to make available and in what order. TX and FL remain great places to start and that is the basic game plan.

      However, an even more important part of the game plan is the Who just as much as the Where.

      We hope to first seek franchisees from within our existing network. So the right person wanting to go to Hawaii would probably bubble sort that right to the top of the list!

  2. This is right up my alley!
    Franchise investments for me probably wouldn’t be until beginning of 2023! Will they still be available? Thanks for offering!

    1. Hello Kelly,

      Thanks for the yoga franchise question! It sounds like you already have great experience with the franchisee/ franchisor model.

      So, the most basic answer is simply; yes.

      We anticipate territories for an Inspire Yoga Franchisee will become available beginning in the March -May 2023 range.

      That is the timeframe we plan to launch our first round of planned territories. So, it should fit with your timeline well.

      Additionally, we will have someone reach out to you this week to answer any follow up questions.

      And, although you may have been involved with other companies as a franchisee, Inspire Yoga has a creative offering open right now that allows you to invest in the Franchisor entity. That is not something you see every day!

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