Flower Mound Hot Yoga Community gives you a reason to Celebrate!

Celebrate life with Inspire Yoga! After eleven years of hot yoga in Flower Mound, this community gets along better than The Breakfast Club!

“We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you’re crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us – in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain… and an athlete… and a basket case… a princess… and a criminal… Does that answer your question?”

– Brian Johnson (February 7th 1985)

First, a reflection on these great words from 1985:

The Breakfast Club is the greatest community building movie of all time. In a single Saturday, every different walk of life finds the good in each other after being forced to share the same detention hall for a day. It’s cultural and comic value is legendary. Even after 20 viewings, I still tear up at the end.

Once we are ‘grown up’, it can take us longer than just a single day to peel back the mask we created to hide ourselves from each other. Even recognizing that we may use masks at all is complicated enough. However, given time and given the right yoga studio, we find a comfortable place to be ourselves.

Celebrate the best hot yoga community in Texas!

For me, the Town of Flower Mound and the hot yoga at Inspire Yoga create the perfect home to be myself. It is a place where I can learn to care about the well being of others. It feels so right to have been in Flower Mound now for 16 years and to participate in the best hot yoga community in Texas.

Second, let’s chat for one paragraph about exactly what did happen in the 2010s:

The first iPad came out!

Then we all planked somewhere until the Harry Potter series met its conclusion. Thankfully the world did not end in 2012 and we learned exactly what the Fox does say. Buckets of ice went everywhere and Leonardo DiCaprio finally won an Oscar (but not until after same-sex marriage was legalized across the US). Pokemon Go made everyone forget about the first half of the decade for about nine months, the Vine App could not turn a profit, Women marched, Fidget Spinners spun! There was an epic total solar eclipse and then we finally saw a black hole.

And just before all these events graced our planet… Inspire Yoga was born!

Happy 11th Birthday, Inspire Yoga!

Remembering a decade compressed to a paragraph can highlight just how unimportant most moments are as soon as they have passed.

A pause on the importance of time

We all come to understand how critically important time is right now.

Past moments root us together in a shared experience. Future moments give us a shared hope. Now gives us everything.

In the same way that the underground roots of a forest bind together, we are bound. On the surface, we may look like individual trees, but just start digging and you will find we are, in fact, the same singular organism sharing energy, needing each other, bound up in knots together. Rooted together.

Inspire Yoga members of Flower Mound, Grapevine, Denton, Highland Village… we are all rooted together in a shared experience that is guaranteed to last many more decades to come. Thank you.

We all planked…!

Everyone deserves a welcome entrance into a great yoga studio experience. Make this year about you and take advantage of this month’s offer:

Now, Join Inspire Yoga for $21

Join Inspire Yoga for only $21! Find your roots. Tell your friends. Trade-in your class cards for membership. Commit to this community. You will get back way more than you can imagine.

Right Now, new members can join Inspire Yoga for only $21! Tell your friends and be join together. Reach out to a membership director or just reserve your spot online.

Now, for all of you active members… Thank you to everyone who came out to rock & flow with Bethaney. As promised, here is the event playlist to download!


Here is your link to Bethaney’s epic class from January 24th: Rock & Flow | rock legends through the years.

Thank you very much for being a part of this hot yoga community in Flower Mound, Grapevine, Denton, and Highland Village. Thanks for reading and look for more reflections next month!

Relax for a while. You deserve it.

3 thoughts on “Flower Mound Hot Yoga Community gives you a reason to Celebrate!”

  1. Wow! What a great deal on a membership to the best yoga studio in North Texas! Anyone who wants to practice hot yoga in Highland Village, Flower Mound, Denton, or Grapevine would be wise to take advantage of this opportunity! Inspire Yoga has awesome vinyasa, slow flow, and yin yoga classes. Can’t wait to see what the future One Day Only Deals are!

  2. I love this movie! I made all of my kids watch it when they were teenagers. Thank you for all you and Bethany do to keep Inspiring us❤️

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