Crow Pose | Bakasana

#IYPOW (Inspire Yoga Pose of the Week): Crow Pose (view video demonstration)

Bakasana is often the first arm balance we try to conquer in the yoga practice, but it does not come easily. It requires strength, focus and a little dose of fearlessness. Some days you might feel light and playful in this pose, while others you will have to put forth every effort to hold it even for a second. Whatever today brings, just do your best! Here’s what Inspire Yoga teacher, Courtney Swearingen (pictured) had to say about it…

“Crow pose holds a special place in my heart because it was the first arm balance I was able to get into and it opened the door to all the others. This asana, for me, was the foundation for all the others and gave me the confidence to fly.”

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Step 1.

Begin kneeling and sitting back on your heels. Grab your block and place it directly in front of your knees. Step up on the block, bringing your big toes to touch heels slightly hanging over.

Keeping the balls of your feet together, allow your knees to splay open as you begin to walk your hands out in front of you. Melt your chest and head down feeling a nice stretch across your upper back. Breathe here for 5 breaths.


Walk the hands back in about 12 inches away from your feet. Come high onto the balls of your feet, lifting your heels up. Begin to snuggle those knees as close to the armpits as possible. Hugging the elbows into the midline start to slowly lean forward becoming lighter on the feet. Keep your gaze about 6 inches in front of your hands as not to topple over and remember to  b r e a t h e.

Step 2
Step 2
Crow Pose Step-by-Step
Step 3








Slowly begin to lift one foot up as if you are trying to kick your bottom with your heel. Breathe here for a couple of breaths. Then set the foot down as you lift the other foot up. You can play around here until you feel comfortable lifting both feet off the block. Before you know it you’ll be flying like a crow!

Step 4
Step 4
Step 5
Step 5








A new #IYPOW (Inspire Yoga Pose of the Week) is introduced on our Instagram every Sunday. You are then invited to join in with us by posting your own interpretation of the pose and a short thought or inspiration that you receive from the particular posture that week. Make sure to use hashtag #IYPOW so we can see your pictures! Each month, one person (who shared and hashtagged) will be chosen to win an exclusive Inspire Yoga merchandise prize!

All you have to do is be willing to share! 

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