Today we are featuring a Denton student named Wendy, who has been a part of our community of yogis since October of 2015 (our first few months in the Denton studio!). She is very dedicated to her practice and brings a smile to everyone’s face when she walks into the studio with her joyful and kind-hearted personality. We are excited for you to get to know her a little bit better.
The most rewarding aspect of yoga has been that I was finally able to run my first half marathon! This year has taught me to be patient, listen to my body and accept where I am in the present moment. I am just now beginning to realign my body after years of running and training my body in unnatural ways. My victories are small and take a long time, but they are so worth it in the long run! I couldn’t have done any of this if it weren’t for two very important groups of people: my family and my Inspire Yoga family. My husband and kids have sacrificed a lot, but never stopped believing in me, encouraging me, and if necessary, kicking me out the door to make it to yoga class on time. Once I’m out the door, I have my instructors and friends at the studio rooting for me. I am so grateful for all the knowledge, experience, and expertise my instructors have shared and their ability to do so in a loving and supportive manner. My Inspire Yoga family also consists of the best people and most amazing yogis I have ever met. Their support and encouraging spirits are constantly lifting my spirits when I need it most. Even if I don’t officially know some of the yogis in the class, their energy during class or a friendly smile before or after makes all the difference.
Being at Inspire Yoga is the highlight of my day. Each class is an opportunity to see what is possible and to see how I can develop myself mentally and physically. The advice I must offer is this: Come to class as often as you can, you will be surrounded by beautiful and motivating yogis, try your best; nobody will ask for more. And listen to the instructors; after all, they love each of us just as we are – as much as we love them. I cherish being part of the Inspire Yoga community because the support of my instructors and fellow yogis inspires me to push myself to reach new limits and set new goals.