This month we are thrilled to share Cami’s story with you. This dedicated yogi practices at the Denton location and has a smile that makes any bad day take a turn for the better. She’s infectious to be around and we just know that her story will be a source of inspiration for you.
Old dog with new tricks.

I’m the ‘mature’ woman in the corner of the back row that always wears a headband. Outside of Inspire, I’m self-employed as a private investigator (Hop To It Investigations on the square in Denton) and spend most of my free time with my grandchildren or planning a trip somewhere.
My yoga journey began a few years ago when age, reality, and health issues forced me to look at alternative exercise options. Yoga wasn’t foreign to me but it wasn’t something I had ever practiced. The gym I belonged to offered an occasional yoga class and I started there. That lead to downloading yoga apps to supplement the class at home. I tentatively looked at a couple of studios but had no idea what to look for and feared being too awkward in a class with ‘real yogis’. Walking into the Inspire Yoga studio was one of the most intimidating things I’ve done, which is why I chose the back corner for my practice.
Over the last year at Inspire, my body has become stronger and my mind is experiencing an increase in clarity. My muscles are more flexible, my thoughts are more accepting and open. My balance is more stable and my life journey mirrors my yoga path. My health has improved in some areas and humbled me in others, which is why I wear a headband. I’ve come to appreciate how a pose will transform you from the outside to the inside. Standing in an extended warrior reminds me that there is strength from being grounded to the earth, and yet a sense of vulnerability as you reach to God for inner strength. Even a seated twist allows for serenity in the midst of twisted chaos.
Many of you have inspired or challenged me to keep trying, to go deeper into my practice and to accept each day’s accomplishments on the mat as a gift to myself. A loving yogi community that is both encouraging and accepting of all who roll out their mat is what Inspire Yoga offers.